Youth Council


Youth Council is an opportunity for young people from across the Moira Shire region to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives, represent the views of young people and develop new skills.

The Moira Shire Youth Council:

  • Is made up of up to 12 young people, aged between 16-24 years old. 
  • Includes leadership and personal development training, community projects, advocacy, and participation in council meetings. 
  • Meet bi-monthly to give their input and advice to Council and discuss topics important to young people. 

Apply for the 2025 Youth Council

Applications for the 2025 Youth Council are open from Thursday 29 August to Tuesday 22 October and can be completed at the link below, or via hard copy.


Hard copy forms are available from Council Service Centres and need to be received by Council by 4pm, Tuesday 22 October. Please return hard copy forms to either:

  • 44 Station Street Cobram
  • 100 Belmore Street Yarrawonga

Application Criteria and Process

Moira Shire Youth Council is open young people between the ages of 16 - 24 who live, work, study or have community connections within the Moira Shire. 

The appointed Youth Council should aim to represent Moira Shire’s diversity and be inclusive of all genders, abilities, cultures, and backgrounds. 

Members will need to commit to attending key sessions, bi-annual meetings and training sessions. 

Once applications are received, the recruitment process will take place in November and include a round of in person meet and greets. 

Successful applicants who are 18 years or older will need to complete a Working with Children's and Police Check. 

The successful applicants will be endorsed into the 2025 Youth Council at the December Scheduled Council Meeting, Wednesday 11 December 2024. An Induction Day will be held in February 2025. 

Do you feel like you can be part of Moira Shire’s Youth Council? Apply before Tuesday 22 October. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Youth Council?

A Youth Council is a group of young people who work together to represent youth voices in their community, influence local decisions and plan you-orientated projects and events.

Who can join the Youth Council?

Membership is open to young people from the ages of 16 to 24 who live, work, study or have community connections in the Moira Shire.

How can I become a member of the Youth Council?

Interested individuals usually need to fill out an application form which will be followed by an 1:1 meet and greet and selection process.

What's the point of a Youth Council and how can we make a difference?

Youth Council is a movement that amplifies young voices. We are not just talking; we are taking action and creating real change in our community. From organising events to advocating for social justice, we are making a difference and we want you to be a part of it.

How much time will this take up and will it fit around my other commitments?

We get it, life can get busy! That is why our Youth Council meetings are scheduled every second month around your availability, as well as other activities throughout the year. We are committed to making sure you can balance your responsibilities while still making an impact.

Will I be able to share my own ideas and opinions or will it just be adults telling us what to do?

Your voice matters! Our Youth Council is all about empowering young people to share their thoughts, ideas and perspectives. We are not just listening; we are amplifying your voice to create real change.

How will we decide what projects to work on and can we choose things we are passionate about?

We believe in passion-driven projects! Our Youth Council members work together to choose the projects they are most passionate about from youth events to community health and wellbeing.

What are the benefits of joining Youth Council?

Benefits include developing leadership skills, gaining experience in project management, meeting new people, making a positive impact in the community and having a platform to voice your opinions.

Will we get to meet new people and make friends or will it be the same group of people all the time?

Our Youth Council is all about building a community of like-minded young people! You will have opportunities to meet new people along the way who share your passions and values.


Youth Council advocate for young people across the Moira Shire by identifying issues and providing relevant information and knowledge to Council on matters relating to Youth, this involves:

  • Contributing to a strong, active and effective Youth Council and program.
  • Developing an understanding of local services available for young people across Moira Shire.
  • Acknowledging and raising public awareness of young people in a positive manner.
  • Establishing a positive and meaningful connection between Youth Council and the Council.
  • Informing and educating the Council and the community about issues concerning young people.
  • Reviewing Council policy in relation to matters relevant to youth.
  • Setting clear achievable goals that have beneficial and effective outcomes for the wider community.
  • Planning and supporting Youth events, initiatives and projects within the community.
  • Attend regular meetings and participate in discussions and decision making.



Moira Youth Council will be made up of 12 members aged between 16 - 24 years. Members who turn 25 during their term, may only hold their position on the Youth Council for the remainder of that year.

Appointment of Youth Council members will be for a two-year term.

A minimum of 6 members will be required in attendance to meet quorum. If membership drops below quorum, an ‘unscheduled recruitment’ for additional members will open to meet the required numbers.

The Youth Council will elect titled positions who are appointed via vote by Youth Council members.

These positions are for a 12-month term and include;

Youth Council Mayor

  • Chair meetings and ensure everyone has a fair go to contribute
  • Facilitate discussions and decision-making
  • Represent the Youth Council in public and in meetings with other organisations
  • Present to Council (with support) where required

Youth Council Deputy Mayor

  • Support the Youth Council Mayor
  • Perform Youth Council Mayor duties in the absence of the Youth Council Mayor
  • Represent the Youth Council in public and in meetings with other organisations when nominated

Youth Council Secretary

  • Assist with the development of the meeting agenda and other Youth Council documents
  • Take minutes as required and report resolutions supported by Youth Council
  • Submit minutes to Youth Council members for review prior to next meeting 

Youth Council Member 

  • Represent the views and opinions of young people in the community
  • Help plan and organise events, projects and initiatives
  • Communicate with other young people and groups to gather feedback and ideas
  • Represent the Youth Council in public, meetings and other relevant occasions if nominated by Youth Council Mayor




Meeting Proceedings

The Youth Council will operate on a consensus basis with members to have an equal say in any discussions required. Should a vote be necessary each member of Youth Council is entitled to one vote with the Youth Council Mayor to hold the casting vote if there is a deadlock of votes.

Youth Council meetings will be held bi-monthly at a specified location and time as determined by Youth Council and may include an additional 2-day planning and evaluation retreat/camp with a focus on leadership and team building.

Additional activities may be held in the alternate months to provide opportunity for professional development. 

A quorum comprising of at least half of the Youth Council members must be present at all Youth Council meetings. Without a quorum, no business may be conducted. 

The Youth Council may form sub committees from its members for specific matters arising, provided that no decision may be acted upon until adopted by the full Youth Council. 

The Youth Council Mayor and Deputy Mayor will be required to present to Council on the progress of Youth Council. 

A Moira Shire Council representative will be present at all meetings. 

Terms of Reference

To understand more about Youth Council, please read the Terms of Reference(PDF, 232KB)

Contact Details 
For assistance with completing an application, or if you wish to discuss the Youth Council more, please contact the Community Services Team on (03) 5871 9222 or via email