Yarrawonga Aerodrome - runway lighting compliance project
- Project typeAerodrome - upgrade
- Project value$215,000
- Project scheduleComplete
- Contractor namePurtles Electrical
- Completion Date30 June 2021
We are upgrading the Yarrawonga Aerodrome lighting to comply with current AS/NZS 3000:2007 Wiring Rules and current Civil Aviation Safety Authority requirements as stated in the Manual of Standards – Aerodromes Part 139 for non-precision approach operations.
Expected benefits include an improved runway lighting system that is compliant for a classified instrument non-precision runway thereby improving air safety for pilots.
It will also result in operational power savings of up to 50-75% as an LED lighting system uses only 10% of power consumption of the existing incandescent lighting system.
This project is jointly funded by Council and the Australian Government's Regional Airports Program - Round 1.

John Duigan Drive, Yarrawonga 3730 View Map
John Duigan Drive ,
Yarrawonga 3730
John Duigan Drive ,
Yarrawonga 3730
Yarrawonga Aerodrome - runway lighting compliance project