This project is funded by Council and involves a reset of the landscape through a new avenue of street trees. This will create a welcoming entrance to the township from NSW.
The project will occur in two stages:
Stage 1:
From 1 July the existing street trees along Mookarii Street from Grant Court to Gregory Street will be removed. These trees are at the end of their life and around half the homes in the street do not have a street tree. After the trees are removed the stumps will be ground out and any holes will be filled.
Stage 2:
During July to August new street trees will be planted along both sides of Mookarii Street. There will be at least one tree per house that will create a beautiful avenue of trees as you travel through the NSW entrance to Cobram. The trees will provide wonderful shade in summer, a display of blossoms in spring and a beautiful autumn show.
The trees to be planted are:
To fit under the power lines on the northern side of the street we have chosen “Snowcone” – Styrax Japonicus.
They produce gorgeous white flowers in spring before developing a lovely summer canopy of shade for summer.

On the other side of the street we will be planting “Musashino” – Japanese Zelkova Serrata
The “Musashino” trees were selected to provide a sweeping avenue on the south side of the street with a magnificent show of changing leaves in autumn.
Both trees (indicative examples shown) have been chosen for their hardiness, easy maintenance and non-invasive root structure.
We will do our best to minimise any inconvenience to residents and visitors during these important streetscape works.