Numurkah Town Centre Road Safety Improvements
- Project typeRoads and Drainage
- Project value$620,000
- Project scheduleProject is under design
- Contractor nameDesigner -Trafficworks I Construction - TBA
As part of Council’s funding allocation under the Safe Local Roads and Streets Program Council is undertaking a number of road safety improvements in Numurkah Town Centre.
Roads within the Numurkah town centre have high levels of pedestrian and road user activity. The straight road alignments and wide lane widths encourage higher vehicle speeds. A review of crash history and safety assessments the road network indicates a high risk of pedestrians being struck while crossing the road and other risks to road users in the area. This risk will increase in future years as growth in Numurkah increasing traffic and pedestrian activity.
To address these risks Council in partnership with the Department of Transport and Planning and Transport Accident Commission have developed a number of initiatives to reduce risk to road users in the town centre.
To improve road safety and pedestrian accessibility in Numurkah township the overall project will deliver:
- Construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of Melville Street and Brenion Street
- Construction of raised pedestrian crossing on Melville Street south of Brenion Street to allow safe pedestrian crossing along the Broken Creek in the rose gardens.
- Construction of raised pedestrian Crossing on Brenion Street east of Melville Street to allow safe pedestrian access between the shopping strip and rose garden.
- Upgrade of the existing Childrens Crossing on Tocumwal Road outside of St Joseph’s Primary School.
- Upgrade of the two existing raised pedestrian crossings on Melville Street to include flashing amber lights.
- Implementation of town centre 40km/h speed limit.
These works are estimated at $620,000 and funded through the Safe Local Roads and Streets Program, a road safety initiative for Local Government Agencies funded by the Department of Transport and Plan in partnership with the Transport Accident Commission.
Project is currently under design with construction works to take place in early 2025.

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