Draft Community Amenity Local Law

Submissions closed on 12 September 2023, 04:00 PM

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Council is seeking feedback on the draft Moira Shire Council Community Amenity Local Law 2023.

The power to create a new local law is defined by sections 73 & 74 of the Local Government Act 2020.

The current Moira Shire Council Community Safety and Environment Local Law No1. 2013 will cease in November 2023. An internal review has been conducted and input from various departments has been included in the draft Local Law.

Council has also engaged the services of Macquarie Lawyers to assist with the review and development of this Local Law.

A review of a Local Law requires the preparation of a Community Impact Statement that must accompany the Local Law for community consultation purposes.  These documents can be accessed below. 

Following consideration of all feedback received, Council adopted the final Community Amenity Local Law at the Scheduled Council Meeting on 22 November 2023. The Local Law comes into effect from 1 December 2023.

Community Amenity Local Law 2023

The draft Moira Shire Council Community Amenity Local Law 2023 aims to:

  • Provide for the peace, order and good government of the municipal district of the Moira Shire Council;
  • Provide for the matters that require a Local Law and any other Act;
  • Provide for the administration of Council powers and functions and for the issue of permits and infringement notices;
  • Prohibit regulate and control activities, physical works including construction, events, practices or behavior in the municipal district so that no detriment is caused to the amenity of the neighborhood, nor nuisance to a person, nor detrimental effect to the environment or property;
  • Regulate and control the consumption of liquor and possession of liquor other than in a sealed container;
  • Protect Council assets;
  • Regulate the droving, grazing and movement of livestock throughout the municipal district, minimizing the damage to road surfaces, formations, drainage, native vegetation and surrounding arears arising from livestock and to alert other road users to the presence of livestock on roads in the interests of road safety; and
  • Enhance public safety and community amenity.

Submissions are now closed.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit their feedback to Council.