Council is inviting submissions on its draft Revenue and Rating Plan 2021-2025.
Council is required to develop a Revenue and Rating Plan by 30 June in the year following a general election. The Plan provides a medium-term strategy for how Council will generate income to deliver on the Council Plan, program and services and capital works commitments over a 4-year period.
The Revenue and Rating Plan incorporates:
- how revenue will be generated through rates on properties (including differential rates on different property classes);
- fixed service charges that might be applied on services such as waste or recycling;
- fees and charges for services and programs;
- developer contributions and other revenue;
- revenue generated from use or allocation of Council assets (including the application of discounts and waivers);
- recurrent and non-recurrent operational and capital grants from other levels of government; and
- other activities established to deliver programs or services and generate income or reduce costs.
This plan also includes transparent consideration of the policy objectives and social, economic, and environmental benefit delivered through subsidies, waivers, and discounts
Any person who wishes to make a submission to the draft Revenue & Rating Plan 2021-2025 must do so by no later than 5pm Wednesday 2 June 2021.
Community feedback has now closed.