Governance Rules Review

Submissions closed on 28 July 2022, 05:00 PM


Our feedback period has now closed.

Council is inviting the community to provide feedback on our draft Governance Rules.

The Local Government Act 2020 requires Council to adopt and maintain Governance Rules  which were original adopted by Council in August 2020.

The Regulatory Legislation Amendment Act 2022 proposes amendments to the Act that are required to be reflected in our Governance Rules.  In summary, the amendments include the ability and process to approve Councillors attending Council and Delegated Committee Meetings via electronic means from 2 September 2022.

We have also taken this opportunity to review the Governance Rules and incorporate our Election Period Policy into the Governance Rules.

All feedback received by Council by 5pm on Thursday 28 July 2022 will be considered prior to adoption of the final Governance Rules.

Section of Governance Rules

Proposed amendments

Committee Meeting definition

Section 1.2
Page 6

means a meeting of a Delegated Committee convened in accordance with these Governance Rules and includes a scheduled or unscheduled meeting (whether held as face-to-face attendance in a set location or via electronic means (virtual) or in a ‘hybrid’ or ‘parallel’ format that mixes in-person and electronic attendance

Council Meeting definition

Section 1.2
Page 7

means a meeting of the Council convened in accordance with these Governance Rules and includes a scheduled meeting and unscheduled meeting (whether held as face-to-face (in-person) attendance in a set location or via electronic means (virtual) or in a ‘hybrid’ or ‘parallel’ format that mixes in-person and electronic attendance.

Quorum definition

Section 1.2
Page 7

For the purposes of these meetings, a Councillor present by electronic means of communication is deemed present for the purposes of a quorum.

Meeting procedures

Section 3.2
Page 9

Included an agreed process for requesting and approving attendance by electronic means.

Notice of meetings

Section 4.4.1 & 2
Page 13

Council by resolution can determine the proposed or preferred format style of meetings (in-person, electronic- including hybrid or parallel) noting the criteria and process available for a member who wishes to request approval to attend by electronic means.
Questions of Council

Section 8.1.10
Page 19

Consider questions on notice be submitted 48hr prior to the meeting.
Assemblies of Councillors

Section 16
Page 36
Included provisions to record and report to Council the assemblies of Councillors.
Election Period Policy

Section 19
Page 38

Included the Election Period Policy into the Governance Rules as required by the Act.


To provide feedback on our draft Governance Rules you can submit your feedback:

  • online below.
  • in person by visiting one of our Customer Service Centres listed below.
  • by emailing 

Cobram Service Centre
44 Station Street, Cobram
Office Open: Monday to Friday 9am - 4:30pm

Yarrawonga Service Centre
100 Belmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Open: Monday to Friday 9am - 4:30pm.
Closed daily between 12-1pm.

Phone (03) 5781 9222
Monday to Friday 9am - 4:30pm