Notice of Intention to enter into a lease of the Numurkah Caravan Park

Submissions closed on 20 September 2023, 05:00 PM

Numurkah Caravan Park.png

Council gives notice under Section 115 of the Local Government Act 2020, of its proposed intention to enter into a 21 year lease with TR & RA Harbor to occupy and manage the Numurkah Caravan Park.

The Numurkah Caravan Park is located at 158 Melville Street, Numurkah on Crown Land known as Crown Allotment 2004 on PP5607 Volume 11803 Folio 181 and part of Crown Allotment 5 Section 40 on PP5607 Volume 11803 Folio 188.

The principal terms of the proposed lease include:

  • A new lease term of 21 years.
  • Commencing rent of $19,200 p.a. indexed annually by CPI and subject to periodic market review.
  • All capital, renewal and maintenance of the leased area including tree management is the responsibility of the Tenant New negotiated terms include the responsibility of the Tenant for maintenance and repairs including trees and an increase in the Improvement Works Plan $252,500 over the 21-year period.

View the proposed lease(PDF, 2MB)

Submissions on this proposal have now closed.


Numurkah Caravan Park, 158 Melville Street, Numurkah   View Map

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The existing lease of the Numurkah Caravan Park commenced on 1 April 2002 for a term of 21 years and expired on 23 April 2023. The tenant is currently operating on a month to month agreement while lease negotiations are finalised. In accordance with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action’s (DEECA) leasing guidelines, lessees have the ability to seek a new lease prior to the expiry date.

Council received a proposal for a new lease from the current lessees in April 2019.  The proposal was assessed by an internal working group and negotiations on a number of lease matters including the proposed capital works plan and the responsibility for asset maintenance and renewal occurred. Following a Council meeting on 27 July 2022 Council agreed to test the market through an open Expression of Interest (EOI) process. Two applications were received and assessed by an internal panel with the current tenant being the preferred applicant.