Council is inviting the community to submit their comments on its proposed 2022/23 Budget.
The Budget outlines the priorities for Council to deliver in the next financial year.
We have already heard from our community on the project ideas that they would like to see supported throughout the shire during Councils Community Budget Proposal period which closed in February. We received 24 submissions for consideration during this period and a number of these ideas have been included in our proposed Budget for 2022/2023.
We thank the community for their involvement in our initial engagement process and now seek comments on the proposed budget document which has been informed by this engagement, our Community Vision, Council Plan 2021-2025 and our other key strategies and plans.
Read our Proposed Budget here.(PDF, 7MB)
What's in our Budget?
The Budget includes the rates, fees and charges for the coming year including:
- The rate in the dollar that is used to calculate rates for individual properties;
- A comprehensive list of identified capital works projects and programs for the shire to maintain and renew including roads, bridges and footpaths, sporting facilities and playgrounds, irrigation and drainage.
- A detailed explanation of the funding we have allocated to enable the delivery of more than 50 service areas including community & recreational development, maternal & child health, immunisations, waste management, town planning and business & tourism development.
How much will rates increase?
Rates are calculated by multiplying the rate in the dollar (set by Council and detailed in the budget) by the value of your property (determined by the Victorian Government’s valuation process). Our budget will comply with the Victorian Government’s rate cap of 1.75%.
Comparison Data
The below graphs show how Moira compared to other Councils in 2020/21. Please visit the Know Your Council website to access more information about local Councils across Victoria.
This comparison aims to show that Rural and Regional Councils face different operational challenges and infrastructure needs than those of Metro and Interface Councils. It highlights how differences in population density and geographic area can influence a Council’s ability to generate sufficient revenue to meet those operational challenges and infrastructure needs and how that can lead to differences in rate notices between Councils.
Moira Shire Population
Total Area
Total Assessments |
30,018 |
4,045 square km's |
17943 |
Submit your comments - now closed