Council is seeking community feedback on its proposal to retain the annual allowances for the Mayor and Councillors at the maximum limit set for a Category 2 Council, being:
- Mayoral Allowance – $81,204
- Councillor Allowance – $26,245
Mayors and Councillors are entitled to receive an allowance while performing their duty as an elected official under section 39 of the Local Government Act 2020. Councils are divided into three categories based on the income and population of each Council and the Minister for Local Government sets the upper and lower levels for allowances paid to Councillors for each of the categories. Moira Shire is a Category 2 Council and the Minister for Local Government approved Mayoral and Councillor allowances, effective 1 December 2019, of $10,914 - $26,245 for Councillors per annum and up to $81,204 for the Mayor per annum.
Councils are required to review allowance levels by 30 June in the year following a general election and the allowance level determined by the Council remains in effect for the full term of the Council.
Allowance levels are subject to annual automatic adjustments that are announced in the Victoria Government Gazette by the Minister for Local Government. Mayoral and Councillor allowances are also subject to the addition of the equivalent of the Superannuation Guarantee Charge (9.5%).
Councils are required to provide opportunity for community feedback on the proposed allowances in accordance with S223 of the Local Government Act 1989. Submissions close 5pm Wednesday 28 April 2021.