Documents available for public inspection
A wide variety of information is publicly available. This can range from public registers or Council Minutes to planning permit applications and objections or submissions received under section 223 of the Local Government Act.
While most public information is on Council’s website, some information can only be viewed at Council’s offices during working hours.
Please contact Council’s Customer Service on 03 5871 9222 to arrange a viewing time. Below is a list of information available to the public.
Available on Councils website
- Agendas and minutes of scheduled and unscheduled Council Meetings (does not include parts of meetings closed to the public)
- Council meetings
- Councillor Expenditure (reported on in the Annual Report)
- Annual Report
- Annual Budget
- Financial Plan
- Revenue and Rating Plan
- Council Plan
- Councillor Code of Conduct
- Rates charges information
- Election campaign donation returns
- Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan
- Public Notices
- Local Laws
- Policies including Procurement Policy, Councillor Expense & Support Policy, and Councillor Professional Development Policy
- Submissions received under section 223 of the Act during the previous 12 months
- Public Road Register
- Personal Interest Return Summary (PDF, 341KB)
- Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register
- Travel Register
- (PDF, 115KB)Conflict of Interest Register(PDF, 118KB)
- Conflict of Interest Register - October 2024 to 2028(PDF, 111KB)
- Register of Donations and Grants made by Council(PDF, 256KB)
- S5 Instrument of Delegation to the CEO(PDF, 413KB)
- S6 Instrument of Delegation to Members of Council Staff(PDF, 16MB)
- S18 Instrument of Sub Delegation under Environmental Protection Act 2017(PDF, 421KB)
Available from Council's Offices
- Minutes of meetings of special committees from the previous 12 months (does not include parts of meetings closed to the public)
- Details of all property leases entered into by Council as lessor
- Register of authorised officers appointed under section 224 of the Local Government Act
- Register of Building permits
- Register of Registered dogs and cats
- Register of Subdivision applications
- Register of Planning Permits and determinations