Audit & Risk Committee

Moira Shire Council has established an Audit and Risk Committee (Committee) pursuant to Section 53 of the Local Government Act 2020 to support Council in discharging its oversight responsibilities related to:

  • financial and performance reporting;
  • risk management;
  • fraud prevention systems and control;
  • maintenance of a sound internal control environment;
  • assurance activities including internal and external audit; and
  • Council’s performance with regard to compliance with its policies and legislative and regulatory requirements.

It acts in this capacity by monitoring, reviewing, endorsing and advising on the above matters as set out in the Audit & Risk Committee Charter (Charter).

In accordance with the Charter, the Committee will comprise of a maximum of seven members appointed by Council, including:

  • a maximum of five and a minimum of three external independent members; and
  • two Administrators. 

External independent members are appointed by Council following a public advertisement for an initial three year term to a maximum of six years.  A current member is able to reapply to be appointed for subsequent terms and may be reappointed subject to satisfactory performance.

The Committee will appoint a Chairperson who must be an external independent member of the Committee.

The Audit & Risk Committee is required to meet at least quarterly.

Audit & Risk Committee Charter

The Audit & Risk Committee Charter provides the governance framework to guide the Committee.

The current Charter was adopted on 24 July 2024 and reviews of the charter are conducted at least every two years.

Audit & Risk Committee Charter(PDF, 963KB)

Committee Members

External Independent Members

  1. David Gunn (Chair)
  2. Anthea Sloan
  3. Steven Lambert
  4. Rita Ruyters
  5. Christine Nguyen

Council Members (Administrators)

  1. Administrator Graeme Emonson PSM
  2. Administrator Suzanna Sheed AM

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday, 15 February 2024
  • Thursday, 9 May 2024
  • Thursday, 18 July 2024
  • Thursday, 12 September 2024
  • Thursday, 17 October 2024

All Audit and Risk Committee Meetings are held at the Council Offices in Cobram and members are expected to attend in person. Virtual attendance to any Committee meetings may be approved by the Chair.


About the Meetings

Due to the nature of the work of the Audit & Risk Committee and the potential sensitivity of the material being considered the meetings of the Audit & Risk Committee are closed to the public.

The Committee will invite members of Council’s management team, the Internal auditors and other personnel as appropriate to attend meetings. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Director Corporate Performance and Manager Governance, Risk and Performance will endeavour to attend all meetings.

Representatives of the External Auditor should be invited to attend at the discretion of the Committee but must attend meetings considering the draft annual financial report and results of the external audit.

Internal Audit

Council has appointed RSD Audit as the Internal Auditor, commencing in May 2024. A four year Internal Audit Plan will be developed with the Internal Auditors and will be reviewed annually by the Audit & Risk Committee and considered by Council.

An Internal Audit Plan exists to assist Council to achieve and maintain sound control over Council activities. Internal audit reports provided to Management, the Audit & Risk Committee and Council provide an independent and objective assessment of the systems and processes Council has in place but is not involved in day to day operational matters.

The Audit & Risk Committee is provided with a report each meeting on the progress made by Council to implement the agreed improvement recommendations contained in the Internal Auditor’s reports.

The Audit & Risk Committee formally reviews its own performance and the performance of the Internal Auditor each year.

External Audit

The Victorian Auditor-General has contracted Crowe (Audit and Assurance Services) to perform the external audit of Moira Shire Council.

Each year, prior to the preparation of Council’s Annual Financial Statements, the external auditors conduct an audit of Council’s financial management practices and systems and present their audit findings to the Audit & Risk Committee.