Australia Day Awards celebrate community spirit

Published on 19 January 2018


 Moira Shire’s Australia Day Awards Ceremony was held on Thursday 18 January and saw 30 nominations for individuals, community events and community groups recognised for their contribution to local communities.

Moira Shire Council congratulates the people and projects nominated for these awards – they showcase the many strengths of local communities across the shire.

The shire is truly fortunate and grateful to have many dedicated and passionate volunteers who donate their time and skills for the betterment of others.

Without these nominations many of these groups, organisations and individuals would go unrecognised.

The nominees for the 2018 Australia Day Awards were assessed by an independent adjudicator who praised the calibre of nominations.

2018 Moira Shire Australia Day Award Winners –

Citizen of the Year Neil Lonie, St James.

Neil runs a highly successful farm with his wife Trish and son Brett. The loss of his niece in 2008 in the Royal Children’s Hospital inspired him to raise money for the Good Friday Appeal. In nine years he has helped raise more than $150,000 and just last year raised $24,000. Neil is a member of the St James Fire Brigade, Zone President of the Demo Committee, member of the Tungamah and Dookie Historical Societies as well as St James Recreation Reserve and Hall Committee. He is a charter member of the Tungamah Lions Club and a foundation member of the St James Young Farmers.

Young Citizen of the Year Tristan Grinter, Muckatah.

Tristan is a Venturer Scout and assists and volunteers as a junior leader with the younger Scout section. He volunteers his time at the Cobram Show and has assisted the Cobram Barooga Commemorative Committee in running their yearly ceremonies. He is the Treasurer of the local Yullaba Venturer Unit and Chairman of the Northern Region Venturer Scout Youth Council. Tristan is a member of the Moira Shire Youth Council and a member of his school’s band. He has newly joined the Muckatah CFA.

Organisation of the Year Rotary Club of Cobram.

The Rotary Club of Cobram undertook the building of a three bedroom residence which has now been completed and is ready for sale. Profit from this sale will go to the aged care facility Ottrey Lodge. The Rotary Club also held the Show and Shine swap meet weekend and the Rathdowne Street Big Band Concert, all profits of which were directed to local charities and in particular Ottrey Lodge.

Event of the Year Relay for Life – Oasis Movers & Shakers.

This event raised more than $10,000 last year. The relay event alternates between Cobram- Barooga and Yarrawonga-Mulwala and the most important thing apart from raising funds for those in need, it is that they make it fun and assist socially isolated people to participate in the relay.

Environment Project of the Year Trees Please – Conservation Awareness Project.

This project was initiated by William Giltrap, a year 11 VCAL student at Yarrawonga College P-12. The project involved planting 30 one metre River Red Gum Trees at Chinaman’s Island Nature Reserve. These trees were nurtured from seedlings by Will and he recruited year 7 and 8 students to carry out the planting of the trees. Fellow students pledged their commitment to conservation by leaving their fingerprint on an art installation representing a tree. This project will become an ongoing memorial to William’s VCAL year.

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