Seeking feedback on future retail planning for Yarrawonga and Cobram
Published on 19 June 2017
Moira Shire is seeking feedback from business, retailers and the community on its draft retail policy frameworks for Cobram and Yarrawonga.
Moira Shire General Manager Infrastructure Andrew Close said Council had commissioned independent experts to prepare a draft retail policy framework for each of the Shire’s growth towns to assist future planning, zoning and development of retail activity.
"Both Cobram and Yarrawonga are thriving and have attracted new investment interest recently. A clear policy direction will guide retail development in the towns of Cobram and Yarrawonga, will ensure the expansion and diversification of local retail and will also support local employment and tourism," said Mr Close.
"The reports look at current retail floor space and whether there is a shortfall now or in the future as a result of population growth in these towns," said Mr Close.
"The top line numbers show that if population growth in Cobram and Yarrawonga grows as predicted over the next 15 years, the demand for retail floor space will increase by at least 15% in Cobram and by at least 10% in Yarrawonga," said Mr Close.
"It’s vital that we plan for growth so we can attract and accommodate appropriate development in and around our retail centres," said Mr Close.
Mr Close said the report highlighted the large catchment areas serviced by each of the towns.
"Both towns’ service regions extend into southern New South Wales and either side of their locations. Good future planning will ensure we continue to attract this trade into our towns and in doing so sustain retail business and local employment opportunities.
Mr Close said many businesses in the local towns had already provided feedback into the development of the draft documents.
"Once complete and adopted by Council, the Policy Framework will guide future planning, zoning and similar development decisions," said Mr Close.
Copies of the Retail Policy Framework for Cobram and Yarrawonga: Background Analysis and the Retail Policy Framework for Cobram and Yarrawonga: Options Report are available from Council’s website and are on display at Council’s service centres in Cobram and Yarrawonga.
The feedback period concludes 5 pm Wednesday 12 July 2017.
Feedback can be provided online, by email or in writing.
"Further details on how to provide your feedback are available from our website or by calling our customer service team on 03 5871 9222," said Mr Close.