Fit, flexible and mozzie-aware

Published on 25 March 2022


Message from CEO Clare Keenan

Moira Shire Council has been collaborating with our local public health units, NCN Health and Yarrawonga Health, on key healthy living initiatives.

The Move Moira - Get Active in April campaign will see activity providers, clubs and organisations hosting various events and activities throughout April that will encourage people to be social and active.

Sport and active recreation is an integral part of the Moira community plus it is essential to our health and wellbeing, our sense of belonging, and our connections to one another.

Move Moira is a great opportunity for community members to find adjustments in their daily routine to increase their physical activity and participate in a social activity.

For all the details of each event go to the Events page on our website.

Another important initiative we have been collaborating on is the Beat the Bite community awareness campaign, particularly with the emergence of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) in Moira Shire.

Council is working closely with the local public health units as well as the Department of Health to ensure there is accurate information on simple steps to minimise risks of mosquito bites.

Some of these steps include - wear long, loose fitting clothes; use effective mosquito repellents; and limit outdoor activity at dusk and dawn.

Lastly, with our commitment to improving customer focus and responsiveness, we are extending the Cobram Service Centre opening hours.

This will allow us to better support the community, in particular those who work full time, and may not be able to access face to face service during our standard hours Monday to Friday.

Each Thursday the Cobram Service Centre will open from 8am then again on Saturday mornings from 9am to 12 pm – for payments and customer enquiries.

This will be for a four week trial basis, to determine the demand going forward. Call our Customer Experience team on 5871 9222 for more information.