Let’s do this – get vaccinated
Published on 14 September 2021
Mayors and CEOs on both sides of the border are coming together to share a simple message – let’s do this, let’s get vaccinated.
The councils of Moira, Federation, Berrigan and Indigo are in a race to see which can reach that 80% double vaccination goal the quickest, which will enable communities open up in a safe way.
Moira Shire Mayor Libro Mustica said the border regions have endured harsh restrictions and multiple lockdowns, creating stress and anxiety for workers, businesses and families.
“Let’s do this for our local communities - get the vaccine so we can all open up, be safe and get back to being one united community,” Cr Mustica said.
“We are certainly stronger together than we are apart and by as many people as possible getting the vaccine, this will safeguard our whole community.
“It would be great if Moira could be the shire with the most number of people immunised, I hope everyone will take up this challenge – let the race begin!”
Berrigan Shire Mayor Matthew Hannan said he wanted all families to be able to see their loved ones, have kids back at schools, play sport and socialise in a safe way.
“We want to get our businesses to be able to do what they do best – which is have their doors open to our community,” Cr Hannan said.
“Vaccination will allow us to do all these things in a safe manner.
“We are so close to our targets, we must continue to strive for 80%.
“Berrigan Shires vaccination rates see us currently leading the charge, I look forward to seeing this number grow over the coming weeks.”
Cr Hannan said vaccination was the most effective way to protect against infectious diseases.
“When we get vaccinated, we are protecting ourselves plus helping to protect the whole community,” he said.
“Higher vaccination rates also makes outbreaks much less likely and it also reduces the need for preventative measures such as border closures and travel restrictions.”
Federation Council Mayor Patrick Bourke said he and other local leaders remained in awe of their respective communities which have done it extremely tough over the last 20 months.
“I feel that better times are just around the corner for all of us,” Cr Bourke said.
“We are so close to coming out the other side of this, and our border communities have really done the hard yards to get to this point.
“Vaccination is a critical step in our defence against COVID-19 and I have no doubt that our community will continue to answer the calls and come forward to ensure the State of NSW and our friends across the river in Victoria reach our vaccination targets.”
Indigo Shire Mayor Jenny O’Connor said Indigo was currently in the top 14% Australia-wide for first vaccinations.
“This clearly demonstrates the commitment of the community in wanting to get back to some form of normality and to keeping loved ones safe,” Cr O’Connor said.
“The focus now is on reaching the magic 80% and I hope this friendly competition will help spur people on.”