Million dollar funding announced to fight Queensland Fruit Fly
Published on 22 October 2021
Moira Shire Council has been successful in securing a Victorian State Government Fruit Fly Strategy grant to the value of $1,040,629.
This funding will be used to support the Goulburn Murray Valley Regional Fruit Fly Group which brings together members of the local horticulture industry associations, agronomists, local government, Agriculture Victoria, government agencies, and the community for an integrated approach to control Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF).
Mayor Libro Mustica said QFF was a constant threat to the region’s annual production of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of fruit and vegetables that can act as hosts for the insect.
“The programs initiated by the Regional Fruit Fly Group have achieved a 60% reduction in QFF populations in recent years and they continue to design innovative approaches to manage QFF,” he said.
“Continued effective QFF control via these programs help prevent a major environmental threat to horticulture through education and host tree removal and monitoring.
“This also helps the environment in limiting chemical control measures.
“A notable innovation by the Regional Fruit Fly Group was to undertake a Sterile Insect Technique trial where sterile male fruit flies were released in the Cobram area.
“This trial was incredibly successful and continues today.”
Cr Mustica said it was absolutely critical the QFF program continues as it actively protects the region’s $762.5 million fruit and vegetable industry which supports approximately 5,000 jobs.