Moira Council decision on Waste Management Collection Services

Published on 02 May 2023


I fully appreciate all the work, commitment and community contribution of DS Kendall Waste Services over its years with the Council. I look forward to working with them over the remainder of their contract in their services to the shire.

My whole focus as Administrator is on sound governance and transparency in decision making to ensure all parties are assessed equally.

As Administrator, I made the decision to appoint Cleanaway as the contractor for Moira’s waste management services based on the comprehensive assessment of the tenders by Council staff of a wide range of criteria, including the cost of the services to rate payers and the capabilities of the provider to meet Council’s requirements for an effective and efficient service well into the future.

I also took into account the findings of the regional-wide Tender Evaluation Panel, appointed by the previous Moira Council under state government guidelines. Tender Evaluation Panel was established and included 32 members from each of the participating councils and alpine resorts. These were important recommendations for consideration.

I also have a duty to Moira ratepayers to ensure they receive value for money in the operations of our waste management services.

In making my final assessment, I concluded that DSK was not better than the other tenderers on a range of areas. These included waste collection, glass collection, food organics and garden organics (FOGO) collection services and the collection of certain types of waste for later retrieval and sorting at collection centres (waste commingling).

The assessment criteria also included performance history, equipment and plant availability to meet growing service demands, local employment, safety record, environmental impacts, internal capabilities, historical and continued innovation and costings.

Council has a strong commitment - and obligations on a state and national scale - to reducing landfill. This involves a range of recycling and organic collection methods and processes.  These factors - including innovation - was taken into account also.

The waste management sector has been changing significantly and will continue to change as we progress toward the State and National Waste goals.

The changing nature of the waste sector with a greater focus on landfill diversion requires the Council to be adaptive to meet the goals and potential requirements of impending regulations.  This was also taken into account when deciding on a preferred operator.

Note: Moira Shire Council has not issued Cleanaway with any breach of contract for its performance in managing its current works for Council. Therefore, there has been no breach of contract, penalties or formal meetings with Cleanaway regarding the matter.

Note: Moira Shire Council took into account all previous performances of Cleanaway. It is one of the largest waste operators in the Australian market, including running the largest landfill in the southern hemisphere.


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