Work on Cobram's community piazza to begin

Published on 20 September 2019


Plans have been prepared to revitalise the centre of Cobram with construction of a community space containing shared pathways, improved parking and the development of a town piazza.

In March this year Minister for Regional Development Jaclyn Symes announced $500,000 of Victorian Government funding for the Cobram Revitalisation and Liveability Project, with Moira Shire Council contributing more than $400,000.

Mayor Libro Mustica said this project would improve the linkages between Federation Park, the existing and developing central business area and transform the area surrounding the current visitor information centre into a community meeting place and piazza.

“This project is building on the great community leadership that has delivered big projects like Federation Park as well as commercial development that is happening as a result of significant private sector investment,” Cr Mustica said.

“The project’s paths, parking and piazza are the public services and spaces that complete the vision for this entry and service area of Cobram.

“A community piazza is also a nod to the diverse communities and generations of migrants who have contributed to the growth and success of Cobram.”

Highlights of the project include a shared walking path from Colgan Street to the piazza area and the development of increased long-bay parking to service the increasing visitor traffic.

“In addition, there will be an expansion of the outdoor community space by closing the one-way portion of Station Street, between Punt Road and Main Street, which was identified as a priority in the Cobram Urban Design Framework,” Cr Mustica said.

“This project will commence in coming weeks.”

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