Yarrawonga Library - a catalyst to deliver more for all

Published on 20 December 2018


Moira Shire has re-endorsed its commitment to building a new library within the Yarrawonga Town Hall precinct.

The decision follows its consideration of a petition presented to council at the December meeting asking council to rescind its earlier support for demolishing the community hall to make room for a new library.
Moira Shire Mayor Libro Mustica said the project began several years ago with considerable work by independent consultants as well community input into the selection of a site and the proposed placement of the library within the overall precinct.

“The petition is a welcome initiative by members of the local community and gave us further opportunity to review our decisions to date,” said Mayor Mustica.
“Councils are obligated to consider how their investments in facilities and services achieve the maximum value for their community. The proposed co-location of the Yarrawonga Library within the Yarrawonga Town Hall precinct will achieve this goal by delivering a new library while also enabling and, in part, funding much needed improvements to the Yarrawonga Town Hall precinct.

Mayor Mustica said proposals to locate a new library at an alternative site would achieve a new library but would not deliver any improvements to Yarrawonga’s most prominent public building and precinct.
“This would be a missed opportunity for the Yarrawonga community and an even bigger loss for town hall user groups,” he said.
Mayor Mustica also warned against proposals that involved purchasing a new site.
“It’s clear that the days of gifting public land to local government are gone and so this is possibly the worst of all options because it would not deliver improvements to the town hall and it would eat into the funding available for the new library,” said Mayor Mustica.
Mayor Mustica said council was very aware of the concerns raised by user groups of the existing community hall and precinct.

“The proposed demolition of the community hall and storage sheds will change how user groups use the site but the architects have met with, listened to and have incorporated the services and facilities user groups need into the new designs – and are continuing to listen to and refine the concepts.
“There is still much work to be done before we arrive at a final design. Even at this stage we are exploring a fourth option that picks up on more recent ideas and feedback. In January when this option is fully formed it will be made available to the public and we will be seeking opinion on this fourth option.
“The architects are working closely with the library steering group committee to ensure the additional opportunities created by the project do not compromise delivery of a quality library.
To ensure value for money, council has also considered the range of non-council facilities in close proximity to the town hall precinct that continue to service the local community.

“As a council our decision making always involves weighing up the benefits and costs but even at this early stage I am confident we can work through everyone’s concerns to achieve a design that will reinvigorate Yarrawonga’s most prominent public precinct to serve our community for years to come.

Further information, studies, reports project newsletters and feedback forms are available from council’s website.

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