Proposed Sale of Land – Cnr Punt Road & Murray Valley Hwy, Cobram

No longer on display. Expired on 30 December 2022, 05:00 PM

We are seeking community feedback on Council’s proposal to sell land on the corner of Punt Road and Murray Valley Highway, Cobram (Lot 159 LP1834).

Have Your Say

We are seeking your feedback in accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Policy and Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989.

  • You can provide your feedback to Council by lodging a submission online, by mail or at one of our service centres.
  • Your submission must be received by 5pm Friday 30 December 2022.
  • When you lodge your submission, please indicate if you, or your representative, would like to speak in support of your submission.
  • If required a Committee of Council meeting comprising of Cr Peter Lawless, Cr Julie Brooks and Chief Financial Officer will be held at 2pm Wednesday 18 January 2023 at the Councillor Briefing Room, 44 Station Street, Cobram to hear any person who nominated that they would like to speak in support of their written submission.
  • All submissions received by Council by the deadline will be considered by Council prior to deciding whether to proceed with the proposal, with or without amendment a future Council meeting in 2023.
  • All submissions, including submitter’s name and address, will be available at the meeting and on public display for 12 months.

Further information including a map of the land proposed to be sold is available on our website.