Moira Shire Council is committed to providing quality service to its customers and has provided the following details on how you as a customer can access our services and the standard of service you can expect to receive.
Our aim is to ensure that you will receive quality service by:
- adopting a courteous and friendly approach and being professional in both our attitude and our actions;
- ensuring that our services, resources and information are accessible;
- identifying ourselves in all dealings with you by wearing identification at all times when on duty;
- providing opportunities for you to comment or make suggestions about our services;
- treating your dealings with council with the utmost discretion and confidentiality and in line with councils Privacy Policy;
- providing information which is timely, accurate and comprehensive taking into account confidentiality, Freedom of Information and Privacy issues that may be involved; and
- keeping you informed about Council policies, decisions, actions, services and facilities.
All requests received from our customers, including complaints will be recorded.
You will be given the option to receive a reference number.
Your request will be assigned to an appropriate department for action.
Staff will attempt to contact all customers to provide details of the progress and outcome of their request.
We will answer all calls promptly and try to resolve inquiries at the first point of contact.
When transferring your call to the relevant department, we will introduce the call providing your name and other relevant details.
We will ensure that each department has staff available for enquiries during business hours.
A voicemail service is available and messages will be actioned by the end of the following business day.
Written requests will be responded to within 10 business days.
A contact name, phone number and email address will be included on all outgoing correspondence.
An ‘out of office’ auto reply email will alert customers of a staff member who is unavailable during a nominated period.
We will provide a comprehensive website for our customers and ensure that all information is correct and relevant at the time of publication.
Online services are available via our website for customers to pay their accounts or lodge a service request.
We also use social media as a tool to communicate with the public. You can comment on our posts and send a message via this platform, however official requests for service should still come through our Customer Service Team or via email/letter/website.
You can assist council in meeting its customer service standards by:
- providing complete, accurate and detailed information including your full name and contact details when making a request. (You may remain anonymous but we will be unable to contact you);
- providing clear details of your request including the precise location;
- focusing on the facts of your request to provide us with a clear understanding of the issue;
- treating our staff with courtesy and respect;
- providing us with feedback so we can deliver better services;
- nominating your preferred method of contact such as email, telephone or mail and keeping your details up to date; and
- arranging an appointment or suitable time to meet with council staff to discuss your application or concern.
Moira Shire Council is committed to continuous service improvement.
If you feel that our service standards have not been met, please let us know and an appropriate investigation will be conducted.
This will help council to monitor and report our performance.
Main Administration Centre
44 Station Street, Cobram, Victoria
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 4:30pm
Service Centre
100 Belmore Street, Yarrawonga, Victoria
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 4:30pm
Closed daily between 12-1pm
Call Centre Hours
Monday to Friday 9am – 5:00pm
Our offices are closed on public holidays and during extended periods over Christmas / New Year’s.
Moira Shire Council provides an automated after hours service by phone on
(03) 5871 9222. This service includes the ability to transfer to an on-call officer, however in cases of emergency please call 000.