Our other plans and strategies

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Moira Shire Council’s All Abilities Access and Inclusion Plan 2023-2026 outlines Council’s commitment to promoting a more inclusive and accessible community. The Plan outlines the priorities of Council to improve access to the built environment, social connections and communication processes.

Moira Shire will be a better community for its residents and visitors, increasing the economic, social and tourism potential for all.

Promoting, providing and planning for an accessible environment meets Council’s obligation under the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 and Disability Act 2006.



This strategy aims to provide guidance in relation to the provision of Moira Shire Council’s Aquatic Facilities now and into the future. This strategy will include a plan to drive specific actions/projects and allow for practical, time framed and measurable implementation.

The Strategy is intended to have a life span of 9 years, at which point the entire document will be completely reviewed.

Adopted 22 May 2019.

Aquatic Facilities cover.PNG(PDF, 5MB)

Adopted 22 May 2019.

Moira Shire communities recognise that a creative community concept is inclusive of all arts forms, and also has a broader reach to include architects, town planners, landscapers, engineers, performers, artists and musicians, all those who are creative. 

Moira Shire Council also recognises the role the arts play in developing social wellbeing across all age levels and abilities and its essential role in promoting community resilience and recovery in times of crisis.

This strategy has been developed using surveys, cultural mapping, community engagement and consultation. We have relied on research conducted at state and federal levels to inform our goals, and to capitalise on funding opportunities as they arise. 

Arts and Culture Strategy.PNG(PDF, 2MB)  

This strategy was adopted by Council on 18 December 2019

 This strategy will play a major role in setting strategic direction to improve safety in the Moira Shire through the provision of community education and collaborative partnerships that support sharing information, knowledge, resources and responsibility.

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Council is committed to the experience of customers and focusing on high quality services. Council has a Customer Experience Strategy which sets our commitment to providing high quality, customer centred services to all our residents, ratepayers, businesses and visitors.

Through the implementation of this Customer Experience Strategy, we aim to act and make changes that will drive improved customer service behaviours across our organisation and over time improve the experience for our community.


Customer Experience Strategy.png(PDF, 2MB)

Councils Domestic Animal Management (DAM) Plan 2021-2025 was prepared in accordance with the Domestic Animals Act 1994. The plan creates the framework for the planning, development and evaluation of Councils animal management services and summarises the professional, consistent and proactive approach undertaken within the municipality.

This DAM Plan has been developed in four stages. The first stage involved a review of Council’s current DAM Plan, policies, procedures and strategies in order to identify gaps and prioritise future actions. The review included conducting a survey within the local community, which encouraged them to have their say on domestic animal management issues. 

Endorsed by Council 27 October 2021.

Domestic Animal Management Plan Cover.PNG(PDF, 2MB)

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