Rate Collection Policy & Procedure

The objective of this policy is to provide guidance and inform ratepayers of Council’s debt collection procedures to reduce Council’s outstanding debts while maintaining Council’s professional relationship with ratepayers.

Rates constitute the majority of the income for Moira Shire Council and the payment of rates by property owners is crucial to the effective operation of Council.

Currently Rates and charges are levied against properties in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989.

Once the new Local Government Act 2020 has been updated to reflect the pending rates and charges provisions this policy will be updated within 3 months from that date. Until such time the provisions of the Local Government Act 1989 applies.

The timely recovery of rates and charges is essential to ensure adequate funding of the ongoing services and capital work projects Council provides for community benefit. To ensure equity to the broader community Council follows the payment due dates and interest calculation as set down in the Act.

Where hardship has not been established, Council will avail themselves of the options under Sections 177, 180 and 181 of the Act to recover overdue amounts. These recovery methods may include legal action and ultimately the sale of the property in question.