How do I object to an application?
If you feel that you are affected by a planning proposal, you can submit an objection to the council or responsible authority.
This objection must satisfy certain conditions:
•It must be in writing
•It should clearly state the reasons for objecting and how you will be affected
•If a group of people are making a combined objection, such as a petition, one person should be nominated as a contact
•Some types of objections are not allowed, e.g. an objection relating solely to commercial competition
•To ensure that your concerns are considered when a decision is made the objection should be lodged by the date shown on the 'Notice of application'
•Objections may be lodged with Council up until the time when it makes its decision.
You may also object to applications that have not been advertised if the application is not exempt from notice requirements. A register of applications is available for inspection at our office.
Anyone affected by a proposal can lodge an objection. Objections cannot be ignored and Council must consider them when it makes a decision. Although objections may take any form, those relating to reasonable planning concerns will have more influence over Council’s decision.
Council must make a copy of every objection available for inspection. We cannot make a decision on an application until at least 14 days after the giving of the last notice.