Goulburn Murray Climate Alliance

The GMCA was established in 2007 to promote and support regional action on climate change. Members are currently drawn from the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, North East Catchment Management Authority, DELWP Hume, and twelve municipalities.
The GMCA promotes the opportunity for key agencies to work together collaboratively for a coordinated response to climate change issues in the Goulburn Murray region.
GMCA Projects include:
Climate Smart Agricultural Development project
Combining the latest information on soil types, topography and climate, with a number of crop requirements to produce maps of ideal production areas through time for seventeen of the region's most important commodities including a number of fruit, grain crops, pastures, forestry and vegetables.
Click here to access the Climate Smart Ag story map.
Watts Working Better street light upgrade
Launched in 2014 and more than 13,600 street lights upgraded to energy efficient alternatives, reducing carbon emissions by 106,700 tonnes over the next 20 years.