Compliance and enforcement

Compliance and enforcement

In our Shire there is little native vegetation left and what we have is precious. There are rules in place to protect native vegetation. We need your help to ensure people do the right thing. If you suspect native vegetation is being illegally removed please contact us

Ideally, you would record important details in your report to Council, such as:

  1. Location of illegal removal (property address and a map if possible)

  2. Any photographs taken

  3. Any relevant information (e.g. removal of large trees, dead or alive and number)

For more information please refer to our Compliance and Enforcement of Native Vegetation Regulations Factsheet produced by GB CMA in collaboration with DELWP and City of Greater Shepparton, Campaspe Shire Council and Moira Shire Council.

 Native_Veg_Reg.JPG(PDF, 2MB)