VECO – the Victorian Energy Collective
We are proud to be one of 46 Victorian Councils to join together and form VECO, the Victorian Energy Collaboration.
VECO is the largest emissions reduction project ever undertaken by the local government sector in Australia.
The 46 Councils have pooled their electricity needs into one long-term contract with Red Energy which will provide the VECO group with renewable energy generated from wind farms here in Victoria.
From 1 July 2021, that renewable energy will be used to power 100% of our total energy use including all council buildings and community facilities owned by Council, street lights, parks and reserves.
By using renewable energy, VECO will be saving 260,000 tonnes of carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere – the same as taking 90,000 cars off the road.
The VECO project doesn’t just benefit the environment – by joining together, each council will be paying less for their power than if we had sourced our electricity individually.