Illegal dumping & litter
What is Illegal Dumping?

It is the deliberate or unauthorised dumping, tipping or burying of waste on land that is not licenced or fit to accept that waste. It can threaten wildlife and lead to long-term contamination of land, waterways and groundwater, particularly when the waste is from an industrial source or contaminated soil.
Illegal dumping can range in scale from a single bag of household rubbish to large household items such as TV’s, appliances and electronic waste, furniture, mattresses, industrial waste, construction and demolition materials, garden waste, packaging, tyres, old cars and soil.
If you are generating, accepting, managing or transporting quantities of commercial waste, be responsible and ensure you are abiding by the law.
Illegal dumping is a cost that we can’t plan for. The EPA’s Illegal Dumping Strike Force program has shown that on average, each council is paying around $76,000 a year to clean up around 33,000 tonnes of illegally dumped waste.
Please contact us immediately if you witness any illegal dumping.
The dumping of litter in Moira is an offence. Litter may not be thrown from a vehicle, dumped onto a public reserve, nature strip of road.
Residents are encouraged to report any illegal dumping.
To do so:
- Contact the EPA litter 24hr hotline on 1300 372 842 (1300 EPA VIC)
- Visit EPA Report Litter and see the Roadside litter laws.
- Contact the Moira Shire on 03 5871 9222