
This recycling option is temporarily on hold.

Polystyrene recycling is offered within the municipality. Residents can dispose of their polystyrene free of charge to any of our nine Resource Recovery Centres. Fees apply for commercial loads.

Our mobile polystyrene granulating and compressing machine turns your polystyrene into a high density block - 300kg/m2 resulting in a volume reduction ratio of 40:1 from uncompressed polystyrene foam. Compressing polystyrene is essential to allow for economical transport to re-processing facilities.

The compressed block is a valuable resource and can easily be remanufactured in wood substitute materials such as decking and bollards as well as plant pots, picture frames and coat hangers.

This recycling project has been funded through the Victorian Government's Sustainability Fund under the Victorian Adaptation and Sustainability Partnership.

Expanded Polystyrene recycling

How does polystyrene recycling work?