Children's Activities



Playgroup is a great place for families with children aged 0-5 yrs to meet, play, sing, explore and connect. Why not check out one of your local playgroups.

For more  information please click the link to download the Local Playgroups(PDF, 144KB) brochure.

Play Connect+
Open to all children with disability and/development concerns aged 0-6. 
More more information please download the PlayConnect+ flyer(PDF, 419KB)

Toy Libraries
Toy Libraries are where fun, creativity and play are valued and promoted! Toy Libraries provide local families a range of quality fun and educational toys, games, puzzles and activities to borrow or hire for a minimal fee. To find your local Toy Library, please visit Toy Libraries Australia or visit our local Toy Libraries Facebook pages: 

Rhyme and Story Time 
An activity where children can participate in fun with songs, rhymes, stories and craft. For more information on dates and times visit your local library site:

Music activities can enhance your child's education through learning about music, rhythm and rhyme. 
Mainly Music