Wildlife issues and services
Wildlife Victoria
What can you do if you find sick, injured or orphaned wildlife?
Phone Wildlife Victoria for advice and assistance on (03) 8400 7300.
Using a comprehensive database Wildlife Victoria will locate the nearest available and suitably experienced volunteer who then locates the animal and determines the most appropriate course of action.
For more information please visit the Wildlife Victoria website.
Managing birds
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos, Long-Billed Corella, Little Corella and Galahs are native birds and protected in Victoria under the Wildlife Act 1975.
This is an initial guide to direct you, as a person affected by problematic wild birds, to the responsible authorities, key contacts and more detailed sources of information about Sulphur Crested Cockatoos, Long-Billed Corella, Little Corella and Galahs.
Sulphur Crested Cockatoos, Long-Billed Corella, Little Corella and Galahs are an issue in many neighbourhoods across Australia and can be challenging to move on from a favourable area. The solution to the problem is complex and there are no straight forward answers.
Learning to live with and managing damage caused by Cockatoos.
Steps to manage Cockatoos:
- Understand what the problem is;
- Develop a management plan that is adaptable, humane and feasible, involving key stakeholders;
- Apply for necessary permission/permits (i.e. DEECA, Police) and undertake community consultation if required (e.g. if using scare guns or firearms);
- Implement the management plan; and
- Monitor and evaluate, and adapt the management plan.
Non-lethal methods to discourage and limit damage caused by cockatoos:
- Reduce, remove or modify items that they are observed to be chewing on to prevent further damage, such as replacing nails with screws or wood with metal;
- Exclude them from areas, such as wildlife friendly netting;
- Make areas less appealing, such as bird scaring kites, big eyed balloons and mirrors shining light into nesting trees; and
Reduce availability of food and water, such as removing onion grass from your lawn.

Authority to Control Wildlife (ATCW)
Methods to scare, disperse or destroy native animals in Victoria may require a DECCA “Authority to Control Wildlife” (ATCW) permit. Application forms can be found on DEECAs website.
To understand how you can manage native birds in your area contact a DEECA Wildlife Officer for advice or visit DEECAs website.