Noise levels and restrictions
Under the Environmental Protection Act 2017, noise complaints in Victoria are regulated by:
Unreasonable noise from industrial, commercial or trade premises is regulated by EPA.
Music noise from entertainment venues is regulated by both Victoria Police and EPA.
Residential noise sources are regulated by both Victoria Police and local councils.

Residential noise
Council officers may investigate residential sources of noise and decide whether noise is unreasonable.
They consider:
- volume and intensity
- what the noise sounds like – its character
- time and place
- how long the noise continues
- how often the noise occurs
- other circumstances
The Environment Protection Regulations 2021 cover specific sources of noise from residential properties.
In general, noise must not be heard within a neighbouring dwelling:
- Monday - Friday: before 7 am or after 9 pm*
- On weekends and public holidays: before 9 am or after 11 pm*
*Time restrictions depend on what's causing the noise.
Many noise complaints reported to Council do not have the required evidence to deem the noise unreasonable.
Officers often attend noise complaints to find themselves in ongoing neighbour-to-neighbour issues which are not necessarily noise complaints.
How to address noise issues
If you are experiencing ongoing and unreasonable noise in a residential area there are several ways to fix the problem:
Before you take any action, you should talk to your neighbour.
Your neighbour may not even be aware of the noise they are making.
If you don't feel comfortable speaking with your neighbour use our sample letter(DOCX, 18KB) to help write a letter you can put in their mailbox.
You can also find some tips on how to start the conversation with your neighbour on the Dispute Settlement of Victoria's website.
If you live in a body corporate or apartment, direct your complaints to the manager of the Owners’ Corporation.
Consumer Affairs Victoria has more information about how to complain to your Owners' Corporation.
To make a report to Council about residential noise, we recommend you download and use “The Noise App”.
The Noise App is a free app that is available for Apple and Android mobile devices.
It records samples of noise as well as the date and time that it is occurring.
It also allows you to tell us how the noise affects you, how loud the noise is, where the noise comes from, how long and often it can be heard.
You can take multiple recordings for each time the noise occurs which helps show that the issue is ongoing
The information and the noise recordings submitted via this app is used to assist us in investigating the matter.
You can download the app here:
Anti-social or threatening noise
If your noise problem happens after hours and is anti-social or threatening, the police should be contacted by calling 000 at the time of the offence.
Noise from new developments
If you have a problem with noise from a new development, you should contact the developer or builder directly.
Their contact details or company name are generally displayed on signage or work vehicles.
Contact Council
To report a noise issue from a residential source, contact Moira Shire Council.