YLEPP Stage 2 Yarrawonga Town Hall

  • Project typeUpgrade
  • Project valueTBC
  • Project schedulePlanning
Stage 2 of the Yarrawonga Library, Events and Performance Precinct Project includes the redevelopment of the Yarrawonga Town Hall. 
Officially opened in 1931, the almost 100 year old Town Hall building has been a significant landmark, community asset and hub for performances, events and communal gatherings. 

Council is committed to delivering a precinct which will serve the community well and restore the centenarian building. 

A Future Use Advisory Group has been convened to aid Council in advancing the future plans for the Town Hall space.  

Yarrawonga Town Hall Future Use Advisory Group

Tuesday 30 April, Moira Shire Council appointed 14 members of the community to the Yarrawonga Town Hall Future Use Advisory Group. 

The Advisory Group has been established to provide vital guidance on the future use and users of the Yarrawonga Town Hall, marking a significant step forward in the progression of Yarrawonga Library, Events and Performance Precinct project. 

The Advisory Group is made up of:

  • Two Yarrawonga/Mulwala community residents.
  • Eight groups or organisations that have previously utilised the Town Hall facilities.
  • Two representatives of community groups or organisations that have not previously used the Town Hall but could do so in the future.
  • One Representative of Moira Shire All Abilities Advisory Committee.
  • One Representative of the Goulburn Valley Libraries.


June 2024 - Future Use Advisory Group Meeting Summary
The first meeting of the Yarrawonga town Hall Future Use Advisory Group was held on Thursday 30 May.
The group got to know one another, and the organisations they represented, Moira Shire Council presented a project update, and future plans to re-engage the hall have commenced.
Read the full meeting summary in the below document.

Yarrawonga-Town-Hall-Future-Use-Advisory-Group-Meeting-Summary-30-May-2024.pdf(PDF, 21KB)




Yarrawonga Town Hall, Belmore Street, Yarrawonga 3730  View Map

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